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Interview with LESOIR’s Eleën Bartholomeus & Maartje Meessen

Mar 13, 2022

Lesoir is a Dutch Art Rock band who recently released “Babel”, a one-track 20-minute fascinating musical experience. The release was accompanied by the release of a wonderful short film for the track that you can watch below on YouTube.

We had the privilege to interview Maartje Meessen and Eleën Bartholomeus to ask about their music and about themselves! So here are our interviews with both ladies of LESOIR!

Interview with Maartje Meessen

Hello, Maartje. I’m very happy to chat with you. How are you doing?
Hi Mirk, happy to chat with you too. I am good, very happy about our recent release and Lesoirs upcoming activities.
That’s great! You have released your new single “Babel” recently. How do you feel about the way your fans received it?
Since Babel is quite a different product from everything else we released so far, we were a bit anxious about how fans would receive it. But we updated them in every step we made since the finish of the music up until the release, made them part of the live video, listened and watched releases together with fans etc. so most of them knew a bit what to expect. We are very happy that Babel is well received not only by them but also by critics, and people we have to rely on such as reviewers and bookers, and that feels absolutely great!
Sounts great. If you were to describe your music to our readers who haven’t got the chance to listen to you yet, how would you describe it?
Lesoirs music is more art than prog. Our songs are based on melody, most of the time accompanied by a groovy rhythm section. It’s defined best as very dynamic, filmic even now and then; in every song, we’re trying to create a certain atmosphere that triggers emotions. Every album, every song even, is different from the others, but what they have in common is that every piece is made not from the perspective to make something catchy or trendy, but something new, creative and from the heart, regardless of what people may think of it.
You’ve written the lyrics for “Babel” and I think they’re pretty brilliant.
Thank you ☺
When you want to work on any piece of art, be it lyrics or music or anything else, what kind of atmosphere do you put yourself in and do you have some kind of ritual for things you do before or while writing?
Good question. The creative process is different when I write lyrics and vocal melodies from when I write e.g. a flute or piano part. What’s always the same, is that what I write, always is complementary to the song itself. That means that I never try to make my parts the most important, but they have to work within the song. Sometimes it doesn’t end up that way and I do draw all the attention to the voice, but in the arranging and producing process we will always find a way to make my parts fit nicely and make everything in the band equally important. When I write lyrics, I do have to get in a right state of mind. I can’t always find the right vibe within myself and sometimes I end up with nothing after spending a whole evening or night writing. And every now and then I write the lyrics of a song in two hours. I have to get inspired or triggered by something. That can be anything really. A feeling, something I heard or saw or something that someone said. In my mind, I must not be too busy with many different things, but I do write better when I am angry or agitated or sad, after an impactful event that happened to me, to someone I know or somewhere in this world. Besides all this, things go even better with a glass of wine and I seem to get more inspired as deadlines arrive…
That’s a wonderful mentality and process! In order to get to know you better, and to have some fun, also because I’m a nerd, how about we play a nerdy game? I will set up some alternative universes and give you a scenario and a question about it. Are you ready?
Ok, I am a bit sober and tend to overthink everything I say and write so this can be a bit difficult for me, but let’s go…
In a universe where you find yourself the queen of a kingdom, what would be the first legislation you’d make?
I would ensure that no child would grow up in poverty and insecurity. That would probably take more than one legislation, but that’s where I’d start.
In a universe where you can choose a superpower to possess, would you rather have the ability to teleport from one place to another, or the ability to read minds?
Teleportation from one place to another. I would see more of our beautiful world that way. Reading minds would be far too complicated for my brain. I think I would become very sad.
In a universe where you’re the statue of liberty, what object would you be holding instead of a torch?
The Earth. That sounds a bit mythical haha, but I would really want to show and remind everyone that our Earth is the most important we have.
In a universe where the sense of taste and sense of hearing got somehow mixed up in the human body, what food would Lesoir’s music taste like?
Some fusion dish hahaha ☺ Super soft chocolate mousse with a few super spicy crunches hidden!
In a universe where songs come to life and become humans, which Lesoir song would be your best friend?
Comforting rain
Thank you for playing, Maartje! Hope you enjoyed this! Do you remember the first time you performed in front of a live audience? How did it feel?
The first few times I was super nervous. I remember even thinking that I was not made for the stage and that I would never overcome my anxiety. Luckily, I got over this pretty quickly.
Have you ever been treated in a sexist manner? How would you have sexism and what advice would you give to young people who deal with any kind of discrimination?
Of course, I think everyone has been in such a situation in a certain way. I was too. I never really had a hard time when I experienced something like this though. I feel very strongly that women and men are equal (therefore I am a bad feminist, I don’t even like the word); this does not mean that I don’t believe in sexism, and I also know what it can do to people who have experienced it. I would advise you to stay true to yourself and try to not let it get to you too hard. People that behave in a sexist or racist way are never ever worth the aggrieved person.
Wow, thanks for sharing, and thank you for the interview, Maartje.

Interview with Eleën Bartholomeus

Hello, Eleën. I’m very glad to talk with you! How are you doing?
All is well! Thank you for the invitation to this interview!
Anytime! You have released your new single “Babel” recently. How do you feel about the way your fans received it?
Due to covid-19, we were not able to play much and we missed our audience very much! By releasing Babel, we tried to involve not only our musical friends but also our fans as you can see in the live recordings. This is a project for all of us and from the many kind messages we have received I believe we have succeeded!
If you were to describe your music to our readers who haven’t got the chance to listen to you yet, how would you describe it?
Lesoir is a band with many faces, at times sweet and melodic, but at times hard and raw and we seek the edges of the unexpected.
You play several instruments. Which one do you enjoy playing most?
I prefer to play the guitar, but I also enjoy the challenge of other instruments that I can’t play yet. Maybe your readers have some fun ideas? 🙂
In order to get to know you better, and to have some fun, also because I’m a nerd, how about we play a nerdy game? I will set up some alternative universes and give you a scenario and a question about it. Are you ready?
YEAH! Let’s go!
In a universe where you find yourself the queen of a kingdom, what would be the first legislation you’d make?
Wow that’s not a simple question! I think every society starts with respect and love for each other, but I want anyway that no one has to live in poverty and can grow up with the same opportunities in life.
In a universe where you can choose a superpower to possess, would you rather have the ability to teleport from one place to another, or the ability to read minds?
Teleportation of course. I really don’t need to read other people’s minds. I do think it would be fun to explore different places and if you want to be alone for a while, you’ll be gone quickly. It is also much cheaper and better for the environment than an airplane.
In a universe where you’re the statue of liberty, what object would you be holding instead of a torch?
I believe that under the enjoyment of food and drink, the best conversations take place and friend and enemy come closer together. So I like to have a big heart in one hand and a nice sandwich in the other, so I can remind people that we are making something beautiful together and keep communicating.
That’s funny to imagine! In a universe where people pay for things they buy by making people laugh, not money, how rich would you be considered?
You mean laughter is a currency? If so, I would be incredibly rich!
In a universe where the sense of taste and sense of hearing got somehow mixed up in the human body, what food would Lesoir’s music taste like?
It would definitely be a very long tapas board, filled with several cheeses, then some soft meats surrounded by tomatoes and olives in oil and finally crusty bread with hot and spicey dippings. (hmm makes me hungry right now)
Same! In a universe where songs come to life and become humans, which Lesoir song would be your best friend?
Modern Goddess
Thank you for playing, Eleën! Hope you enjoyed this! Do you remember the first time you performed in front of a live audience? How did it feel?
Yes I do! I was about seven years old and had my first performance. It was incredibly crowded with parents and family, but my teacher sat next to me and I wasn’t nervous at all. Maybe because I was so young, I didn’t know what was going to happen, but it was a beautiful experience and I hope that many young children get to experience this and gain the confidence to perform music.

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That’s a lovely memory! Have you ever been treated in a sexist manner? How would you have sexism and what advice would you give to young people who deal with any kind of discrimination?
Of course. I think it’s good that these issues are more discussable these days and that men and women are more aware about what triggers certain behaviors and statements. Keep setting your boundaries and keep talking about it.
Thank you for the interview, Eleën. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Thank you too for the nice interview and I wish you all the best!


A big thanks to IDVI Agency for making this interview possible

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