Arch Enemy’s Alissa White-Gluz won the Nephthys Award for Best Brutal Vocals in FemMetal Awards 2022! The Canadian vocalist released with her band their new album “Deceivers” earlier this year. “Deceivers” and Arch Enemy were also nominated for Best Album and Best Band respectively.

Nephthys was a dark goddess that helped her grieving worshipers in their expression of their feelings. Thus, she was a suitable image for the award given to the best growlers and screamers in the Rock and Metal scene.

The full list of nominees for Best Brutal vocals included:

  • Alissa White-Gluz
  • Elizabeth Zhovnerchuk
  • Katri Hiovain
  • Katrine Castonguay
  • Laura Vargas
  • Lauren Hart
  • Lena Scissorhands
  • Mayara Puertas
  • Renata Petrelli
  • Yuliia Lykhotvor

The result was announced by our friend Ólöf Hallbjörg.