Venus 5 has won the Best Breakthrough Rock Act in FemMetal Awards 2022. The new band, formed from Erina Seitllari, Herma, Karmen Klinc, Jelena Milovanovic, and Tezzi Parsson, released their self-titled debut album in 2022. They received the most votes among a group of talented young musicians.

The list included:

  • BEX
  • Chez Kane
  • Felicia
  • Madame Neptune
  • Secret Agent
  • The Hot Damn!
  • Venus 5

The result was announced by Red Masquerade’s vocalist, Marika.

Reuel Way

Being a feminist has been normalized as an irregularity through our patriarchal society, so I'd rather be called a "decent human" than a "feminist man". I breathe Metal and Rock and have a screwed-up sense of humour.