Project Renegade is one of the most exciting bands that have emerged into the spotlight in recent years. The Greek Alternative Metal band released their second album “Ultra Terra” recently. We had the pleasure of chatting with Marianna, the voice of Project Renegade, asking her about their new album, and learning more about her musical and life experiences and opinions. Enjoy this interview with the amazing Marianna Florou!
Hello Marianna! I am thrilled to talk with you again. How are you doing?
Marianna Florou
Hello! Nice talking with you again! I am well thank you very much. I am starting rehearsals again with the rest of the band after some much-needed time off!
You have recently released your new album called “Ultra Terra”. Are you satisfied with the end result of your work?
Marianna Florou
Yes of course! It’s been a long time since the album was ready and now that it’s out there I am really glad with how it ended up sounding! It really was a step up for us composition and sound-wise!
What would you tell our readers who haven’t got the chance to listen to the new album to expect if they go check it out right now?
Marianna Florou
A musical journey that has a lot of dynamics and gives you food for thought with its thematics.
How is your new album different from your previous release?
Marianna Florou
First of all the musicianship and composition skills are at a higher level in my opinion. Also, with “Order of the Minus”, since it was our first album, I think subconsciously there was the anxiety of doing everything “right”. Now, with “Ultra Terra” we were more unfiltered, raw and spontaneous I think, so the music expression was a bit more direct and unquestioned.
Let’s play a game! I will set a scenario in an alternate universe with new rules and see how you’d react to the different situations. Ready?
Marianna Florou
That sounds fun! Let’s do it!
In a universe where you are a necromancer, which late musician would you ask for advice?
Marianna Florou
Freddie Mercury
In a universe where humans can choose either to be able to teleport from one place to another or travel back and forth in time, which superpower would you pick?
Marianna Florou
I’m a touring musician – of course teleportation hahaha!
haha makes sense! In a universe where humans only see in greyscale, what would your favourite colour be?
Marianna Florou
Black No.1
Brilliant. In a universe where money does not exist, but instead, people pay for things by making others laugh, how rich would you be considered?
Marianna Florou
Medium I think. I don’t joke around much but when I do people crack up!
In a universe where the senses of taste and hearing are mixed together, what food would you imagine your music would taste like?
Marianna Florou
Souvlaki cause I am Greek! 😛
In a universe where a sitcom-style theme song plays whenever you wake up announcing the start of your day, what would your song be?
Marianna Florou
The theme song from “The Addams Family”.
In a universe where you are an evil overlord, what object would you bind yourself with so you would never die?
Marianna Florou
The Koh-I-Noor diamond
That’s simply genius! In a universe that is a post-apocalyptic world flooded by zombies, would you be hiding in a safe house, on the run fighting zombies, or a zombie?
Marianna Florou
Zero survival skills here so probably a zombie.
In a universe where you were chosen to rule a nation, what is the first law you’d change or make?
Marianna Florou
I would make a law that makes nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction forbidden and make a task force to dismantle those weapons that are in existence right now.
In a universe where you can only communicate through emojis, how would you describe “Ultra Terra”?
Marianna Florou
The fire emoji 🔥
Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed this game. What is your most treasured music-related memory?
Marianna Florou
I guess when we played with Evanescence back in 2019 as their special guest in a show they did in Kyiv, Ukraine. This band has been an inspiration for me since I was very little so getting to share the stage with them is literally a dream that came true!
Have you ever experienced any kind of sexism in your professional life? What advice would you give our young readers who might experience any kind of discrimination?
Marianna Florou
Yes of course I have! I believe that every woman in every type of profession has experienced sexism. If you stop for a minute and even think about your day you will realize that there are several microaggressions that you had to go through even in a simple day of your daily life. My advice is to take notice and be aware of everything, but not let anything sink in and burden you. Also, create an environment of acceptance and support in your life and be ready to fight against anything that wants to hurt you. A bunch of small changes can create a big change at some point!

Thank you for sharing and thank you for the interview and your time, Marianna. Is there anything you’d like to add?
Marianna Florou
Thank you very much! This was really fun! I would like to invite everyone to listen to “Ultra Terra” and of course, if we hit a city near you you are welcome to our show! We promise to give you one hell of a time!