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International Women’s Day 2025: 100 Inspirational Quotes from Metal Goddesses!

Mar 9, 2025

Since 2018, as part of our ongoing mission to promote women and feminism in Rock and Metal, we’ve had the privilege of speaking with countless incredible women in the scene. While we’ve enjoyed learning about their music and creative inspirations, we’ve always made it a point to ask about their experiences with sexism and gender inequality, and their view of the representation of women in the music scene. We believe that sharing these stories is a powerful way to shed light on the challenges women face, while also celebrating their strength and resilience.

Throughout our interviews, we’ve gathered invaluable insights, advice, and empowering messages. In celebration of International Women’s Day 2025, we’re excited to share 100 of our favorite quotes from the women we’ve spoken to since the launch of FemMetal. These words not only highlight the hurdles women in Metal and Rock face, but also reflect their unwavering spirit and determination.

100 Quotes from Metal Goddesses

...I am very proud of all women making it in this male-dominated genre. I have huge respect to all of them. I know how hard it is, and it takes a lot of guts to go down the route of the Metal world as a woman.
— Hellena
As a women myself, I feel the immense pressure society puts on our shoulders to be a certain way. We have to live up to our personal goals and not societies, or our parents, boyfriends, girlfriends or anyone else’s.
— Skye Sweetnam
It feels wrong that women need to fight for HUMAN basic rights in 2019... I would tell them not to give up hoping and fighting and to stay as strong as they can and to seek help if they feel mentally and emotionally drained by this struggle.
— Laura Șincă
Be strong. Be educated. Be self-conscious. Any kind of repression is wrong.
— Elli Berlin
Music can help to spread ideas of equality and respect. Think about a rock icon like Patti Smith, who started a revolution that brought men and women to the same level in music.
— Ilaria Bellucci
The way I fight through sexism in the music industry, is simply by using it as fuel to keep me stronger and inspires me to want to succeed even more, so that I can give other women the confidence to use their voices.
— Corinne Cooper
What I really like to advocate – and I am actively doing that when given the platform – is gender equality… I seriously believe that there are a lot of things to be done on that subject, a lot of presumptions to eradicate and a lot of work to do… Music is a powerful tool and that is why it’s important to me to always have a message behind it!
— Marianna Florou
I think every woman experiences sexism daily even if in subtle ways. Just the way some things are set up in society is sexist enough. I guess in some societies it’s harder to fight back than in others, but I’d just say: do your best.
— Marina La Torraca
Acknowledge that misogynists and sexists are there, but don’t give them any fuel to their hateful fire. Focus on what makes you happy. If you focus on yourself, not only you will be happier in the long run, but your happiness and success will annoy the haters.
— Avienne
We are strong and our strength should be celebrated just as any man can... Music shouldn’t be divided by gender or sex at all... Always be yourself, true to yourself and to your goals, stay focused and forward! Don’t get lost in the noise!
— Mikaela Attard
We can do whatever we want to and if somebody dares to bully, mistreat or harass any of you reading this, just go ahead and demonstrate not only to them, but to the rest of the world, what you are capable of.
— Patri Grief
I think every woman has experienced [sexism] to some degree. My piece of advice, in all honesty, is to just ignore it. Assholes exist everywhere... I’ve grown to realize that the more you focus on something, the more of a problem it becomes in your mind and really affects you. So the best thing really is to just not give a damn.
— Vicky Psarakis
Women are rising right now and stepping into their power, I have faith that things are slowly changing more and more for the better.
— Monica Strut
I don’t think of myself a “female musician,” I think of myself as a musician. I conduct myself in that way, and I tend to spend little time with people who try to make my gender an issue.
— VK Lynne
My advice, not only to girls who are victims of sexism but to anyone who don’t feel confident would be: Think about what defines you as a person. Try to make the difference between what you like, and what you think people want you to be like. Love yourself with your own individuality...
— Heli Andrea
I face sexist comments from time to time and I always make sure to answer back and stand my ground. But I think it’s also important to stand together, that we help each other and look out for each other. We are always stronger united. You’re not alone never forget this.
— Emma Piconnet
People don’t take us seriously simply because we are women. From the moment we enter the stage we have to prove that we’re not ‘just some girls’ that got where they are because of their gender. I believe that we have proven to be solid musicians and performers and that is the reason why things are going well for us.
— Emmelie Herwegh
...As a woman, you always have to fight and assert yourself. And work much harder than a man to prove that you are trustworthy. So, ladies, please. Move forward and impose yourself.
— Oxy Hart
...I would say to all women, know your rights... be it on the domestic front, or in the workplace. Know the law and know what your rights are, don’t be a pushover.
— Daphne Ang
Keep going and be the best you can be! Work hard and show everybody what you can do, and someday they’ll come back and try to be your friend
— Kim Melville
Try to figure out who you’d like to be and whether you think the best strategy is to join them and attack from the inside or fight from the sidelines. Both have different pros and cons.
— Aliki Katriou
I believe to stop sexism women need to be supportive and to have the bravery to express themselves even using sex, but in their own way, with self awareness and trying to avoid the old cultural schemes. But first of all I think sisterhood is the basis.
— Erika ‘Aeon’ Ferraris
Women’s voices are so important and need to be heard especially in the rock music world. Don’t be intimidated just start somewhere whether it’s learning an instrument, writing lyrics, learning cover songs. Be yourself and resist comparing yourself to others.
— Frankie Clarke
My advice [to face sexism] is to educate people! ALWAYS educate people! Or if they get violent or threthful punch them in the fucking face!
— Scarlet Hunts
I think in general, women that put themselves out there with their talent will always face sexism in some kind of way these days... To my own experience, most of these people are always shitposting hate on the internet, the best way to react to this is to NOT react to it.. People that spread hate towards a gender should be ignored, because their toxic expression is a scream for attention, all they want to be heard.
— Sonia Anubis
...Stand up and be as strong as you can. If it is something you can’t prevent, then talk to someone about it.
— Megan Burke
Being a woman in a male-dominated scene hasn’t always been a breeze. The best way to combat it though in my experience is to just keep reminding yourself that you are worthy of anything you put your mind to and when you have a dream to fulfill nobody is going to take from you.
— Krista Shipperbottom
Every time they doubt you, young lady, prove them wrong. It’s sad we need to prove we are worthy and with talent, but this is how things are, especially in metal music.
— Nicoletta Rosellini
I write empowering lyrics and use my voice in both soft and aggressive ways. Being involved in music and creating songs makes me feel strong!
— Renita Zintel
If you wear what you like, you are sometimes seen as provocative while your moral values are also questioned... In contrast to this, most men in the industry are not judged by their looks but by their abilities... Be aggressive and stand up for yourselves. Be kind but take no one’s shit... Stop caring about other people’s opinions and worldviews and don’t let yourselves be defined by the fact that others accept you or not.
— Nefeli Pischou
I think the most important thing is just to do what you want and not care about the rest too much. Yes I’m a girl, I have a metal band, I dress in black and I play bass, so what? Do what you want and just be what you want to be. Yes, you’ll definitely be criticized, but it’s better than being full of frustration.
— Elodie Vainqueur
Every time I walk into a venue, it really is every time, I hear ‘oh are you the merch girl?’ or ‘oh are you one of the guy’s girlfriends?’. I always say, ‘Actually no, I’m the bassist in the headlining act’... I’ve gotten where I am because I’m doing what I love and what I’m good at not because of my looks or my gender or what I post on Instagram. Being strong and having confidence, knowing where you stand is important.
— Rachel Bello
...Taking a stand, especially in periods of crisis, is an essential part of being an artist. When it comes to Human Rights, even though there are national bills and an international declaration that constitutes them, I feel that we still have to defend them by protesting through our music and lifestyle .
— Kally Voo
I would like to see the bands more equal instead of having all male bands and that one “token” female artist in the mix.
— Jasmine Cain
Speak up for yourself sure, but actions speak louder than words. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone, but just keep strong and keep on. And if anyone does anything illegal or makes you uncomfortable, hold them responsible, and if they don’t take responsibility, don’t stand for it.
— Rachel Leigh
Don’t stay silent! Confront these people with what they do and say. They need to realize that their words and actions are not acceptable at all.
— Ulli Perhonen
....Learn how to stay strong on your own in your head. Just try to not get affected by people that are not worth your energy
— Viktorie Surmøvá
Know what you want and where you want to be, and do not let anyone get in the way of that. Truth be told, no one is going to do anything for you but you.
— Tarah Carpenter
Don’t waste your time trying to prove your value to people who don’t deserve it, find people that will respect you for who you are!
— Kremena Nikolova
There’s sexism everywhere... I’d say just stand up for yourself and don’t take shit from anybody. If you feel uncomfortable, speak up and leave or avoid the situation.
— Cveti Stojmenova
What matters to me is to speak up, to not stay silent when I feel mistreated. That would be my advice – to speak up in a calm and direct manner while not expecting the other party to understand or give in. Be proud of yourself for speaking up, know you have a smart head sitting on your shoulders and 100% know that you are not wrong, just because they don’t think you’re right.
— Britta Görtz
Most of the countries making the biggest fuck ups in the world are ran by old men, maybe with a bit more diversity (aka more women leaders), there would be a little more compassion in the world.
— Izzy T
...People assume all female fronted bands sound the same and try to clump us all into one genre. We all have different sounds and not all of us are in the same genre... And then there are even more uncomfortable situations... Remember that we are all stronger than we know and not to let things like that get you down and make you lose confidence. Make sure to never give up!
— Madame Mayhem
Being a woman, in an environment that is sometimes very hostile, is not an easy task. We continue fighting to be respected and included.
— Sharon Portilla
Don’t let people walk over you, and don’t suffer in silence. Most people are respectful and reasonable, but when you encounter the bad ones don’t be afraid to call them out or talk to somebody about it.
— Jenna Kohtala
I think every woman has experienced discrimination in her life in one way or another, often without even realizing it... You will never have the approval or esteem of everyone you meet. Some may see you as different, not enough, or even wrong, and this might lead to discrimination. But that should never stop you from embracing your authenticity or make you give up.
— Giada Celeste Chelli
There is no reason to treat women differently than men. Women’s performance is still undervalued or even disregarded. The know-how, experience and creativity of women should not be underestimated and gain more respect.
— Bekka Schulze
I face sexism on a daily basis. But I would tell them to stand up with me and push forward. It’s up to us to change the industry.
— Constance Antoinette
All this has made me stronger, I will not deny that it still hurts and that it is very revolting to have to go through this, just by being a woman.
— Daniela Serafim
...Prove those people wrong and be a badass female. You don’t even really need to prove it because of one person who doesn’t believe in you there are so many people who do. Speak your damn mind – if someone says something you don’t like, respectfully let them know it’s not okay.
— Moriah Formica

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