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Interview with Scarlet Hunts

Aug 25, 2020

Art is a message, as some describe it. It’s a tool to deliver or state an opinion. When artists are committed to a certain belief or goal, they use their talent, be it music or painting or sculpturing to deliver that message and sound it out loud and clear. And as a music fan and a feminist, I prefer this kind of artists.

Today, we have one hell of an artist with a message to deliver. Her music is always targeting the audience with feminist and powerful messages. And she does that in the most badass way possible, along with her band. We are talking about the Queen you must obey, SCARLET.

If that’s your first time to hear about Scarlet, try out some of her tracks below. You might want to start with her latest single, #bossbitch.

We had the chance to chat with Scarlet Hunts and talk about her music, her ideas and her plans. We hope you enjoy this interview as we did.


Hello Scarlet! I’m excited to talk with you about different things. But first, how are you and your band mates doing during these days?
Hi! I’m excited too 🙂 We are good in comparison to many other people in the world. We are fortunate to live in a country with a good healthcare system and we all survive financially. For example Sweden has free testing both for antibody tests and PCR tests for Covid-19. But it sucks like hell not being able to play live shows. The music industry is on its knees and a lot of people in the business have to find other jobs. I am very happy to be in a situation to be able to keep on releasing music and build my brand.
Hope things get back to normal soon!
You recently released #bossbitch, your new single. How are you feeling about the reception the single and music video received so far?
The response has been amazing! I mean some people hate it as always but if you have a controversial “look” and sound you need to be prepared for both love and hate. I choose to focus on the love 😉  
I definitely loved it!
You’re also releasing your debut full length album, ‘Obey the Queen’ on the 13th of November. Your fans seem excited as I’ve seen on social media, and you also must be excited for your debut. How are you feeling as the release date draws closer?
Hmmm… Honestly I have never even once stopped to think about how it feels.. We have sooo many fans and until recently we only had like 5 singles so all the fans have been listening to these songs over and over again for almost 2 years. Hahaha.. I fucking owe them a full length album! I think they will LOVE IT! 
Your musical style and lyrics are always “badass” and unique. How would you describe the style of music you make to people who are reading/hearing about you for the first time?
First of all, thank you <3 I would explain it like a little rap, a little scream, a little singing mashed up with heavy guitars and drums from hell. I really want to reach as many people as possible so I try to be diverse. The songs, the stage show and the visual content should always be an amazing experience for the audience.  I want people to feel love, hate, anger, happiness and all other feelings they possibly can feel at the same time. 
You and your band also have an interesting image that we can see through your appearance on stage and music videos, that is in a way a projection of your music. In your opinion, how important are visuals for music nowadays? 
That is a hard question and it all depends on your goals and what you want. If you want your band to be your main source of income you have to handle your music like a business and that includes extreme quality in all lines of the business.  So in that case visuals are very important. But what is important is the quality of your product, you don’t have to be extreme like me but it’s easier to work with marketing and sales if you have something about  you that is unique. 
Another interesting thing about you is that we’ve never seen your full face. You sometimes hide it with emojis in your stories on Instagram and you’ve been wearing masks (even before masks were cool) in many of your appearances. Is there a reason for that or are you just adding to the mystery image you have?
I want people to be able to relate to my music, to things I talk about and to important statements I make. People better relate to these things If there is no face involved. My face is just not interesting 😉 
You and Thirsty make a wonderful singing duo. What are the things Thirsty adds to the vocals and how important is having her for the band’s sound?
Well, Thirsty was just supposed to join me for one gig because I just had a major surgery, I could not stand or walk. Then she stayed for one more gig and then one more and now I would never perform without her. When I record vocals for the songs I sing everything myself, the rap and the clean voice and Thirsty often do backing vocals. Live on the other hand It’s impossible for me to sing everything myself and since Thirsty is a way better singer than I am she does most of the clean singing.  Let me put it like this, the sound was there before Thirsty but she is a major part of the visual content both on and off stage. I’m nothing without her.
Your music is very creative. And we at FemMetal love playing nerdy games. So how about we join forces and play ‘In a world’ and see how far your imagination would go! Ready?

In a world where you can travel in time, what era would you visit most?
Omg what a question. So many eras for so different reasons but since we are in the entertainment industry. I would go to Los Angeles in the 1980s. What a ride!
I love the 80s!
In a world where you get to pick a superpower to possess (flying, mind-reading, invisibility…etc), which superpower would you choose?
Oh DEFINITELY the ability to heal people! 
In a world where sense of humour is the currency, how rich would you be?
HAHAHAHA! My band would laugh themselves to death if you asked them this about me. I would be in the bottom of the chain. I never understand jokes or sarcasm. I’m horrible in that way.  
In a world where you’re the supreme ruler, what is an interesting law you’d make?
 I would make a law that said that you are not allowed to eat junk food and you have to exercise in a way that works for you. I know that that would lower the horrible numbers on mental illness. And also, one law would be to always Obey your Queen! That would be me 😉
That’s like The Queen vs. The Burger King.
In a world where an organization made by respectable men called “Sorry about the rest of our gender” pays you a dollar for every time you receive an inappropriate message from a man on social media, how rich would be?
Hahaha! I LOVE your questions! Well, then I would be a rich bitch! I’m not kidding when I say that I get that a hundred times a week! 
Finally, in a world where you’re the lead singer of a Jazz band, what would your band’s name be?
“My Jazz kicks ass”
Thank you for playing Scarlet!
Our world is full of discrimination against minorities in many places, especially against women in some cultures. You have followers from all around the world, so what advice would you give your followers who face sexism or racism or any form of discrimination?
My advice is to educate people! ALWAYS educate people! Or if they get violent or threthful punch them in the fucking face! Peolple that are stupid have almost always been brought up by stupid parents. Spread information rather than hate them back. 
Aside from music, do you have any hobbies you’d like to tell us about?
Not really haha.. When I’m not working with my music I like to drink alone in my lake house while listening to Chopin or Satie. Its my time to reload.
Thank you for the interview Scarlet! It’s wonderful to chat with a talented person like yourself.
Thank YOU!

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