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Six Degrees – Interview with Valentina Aleo & ‘No One Is innocent’ Album Review

Dec 2, 2020

Luca Correnti and Valentina Aleo form the band, Six Degrees, an Italian Groove Metal band who have just released their debut album ‘No One Is Innocent’. The album, released on November 27th 2020 through Rockshots Records, is a display for a band with great potential for the future, able to make stunning songs that you can bang your head to. We have written a review on ‘No One Is Innocent’ and we also had the chance to interview singer Valentina Aleo for this article.

Click here to jump straight to the interview.


‘No One Is Innocent’ is an 11-tracks album with a powerful groovy sound and lot of elements to admire. It runs for about 50 minutes. We recommend it for all Groove Metal, Gothic Metal, and Progressive Metal fans. Here are four things we loved about ‘No One Is Innocent’.

1. Vocals

Any band can have two vocalists. But not any band can make use of these vocalists in such a great way. The pairing of Valentina and Luca’s vocals made the album an interesting one, with the two handing each other parts of each song in a way that created a beautiful contrast. Luca’s vocals gave the music so much power, with Valentina’s pure and electrifying voice adding more emotions and feelings to the sound. The songs we loved the vocals on most are Restart-Erase, Malaka’s Multiple Choice Answer, Imperfect, and Stuck in the Middle.

2. Richness in elements

‘No One Is Innocent’ is not short on musical elements that make it rich and further entertaining. The album is mainly a Groove Metal one, which makes the Death Metal elements naturally existing. But it also contains some progressive and industrial elements that make it an album not to be missed. Examples on that can be seen in songs like Imperfect, May, 10, and The Unexpectable.

3. The guitars

Guitar music was one thing to admire on ‘No One Is Innocent’. The album is full with excellent riffs that are wonderful. I won’t name songs with great riffs because I’d end up naming all the tracks. However, the guitar intro on Night is Over is just one example of how great this band is great when it comes to guitars.

4. Favourite song: “Imperfect

Imperfect is a song that can check for all of the above in what we loved most about this album. A wonderful electronic intro followed by a great riff, and then Valentina and Luca taking turns in vocal majesty, and a great chorus as the icing on the cake.


The FemMetal Team has given the album the following rates:



And here’s the interview we had with Valentina prior to the release of the album. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Hello Valentina. How have you and the other members of Six Degrees been lately?
Hi! First, I wanna thank you for your interest in our project! Fortunately, despite the difficult period, we are doing well and we are very excited for the release of the album!
We’re going to talk about your debut album in a minute, but first, how would you introduce Six Degrees to our readers who haven’t heard your band yet?
Sure! We’re a groove metal studio project. Luca is the composer and growl voice of the album, and he’s also the mind behind it, while I’m the interpreter and clean voice of it. We met about two years ago, when I was looking for members to give life to an alternative metal band, but the project did not go as planned. In the meantime, though, Luca’s interest in my voice grew, so he offered me to take part in “No One Is Innocent”. Obviously, I accepted his offer, and after about a year, we started recording. We come from two different musical backgrounds: he’s more of a Pantera fan and I’m more of a Marilyn Manson and an In This Moment fan, so we’re a strange duo but it works!
You’re going to release your debut album, ‘No One Is Innocent’ on November 27th. How are you feeling as the release date draws closer and closer?
I’m really excited! I hope our emotions will reach the public, and I also hope that “No One Is Innocent” will become a good companion for anyone who listens to it and a tool to make them aware that they’re not the only ones who are facing the difficulties we mention in our songs.
If you had to describe the type of music people can expect to hear on debut without using genres or technical terms, how would you describe it?
Man, this question is difficult! Ahahaha, well, surely they will be faced with a mix of influences, since it’s a kind of music that respectfully looks to the past but also adds a fine touch of modernity. I am sure that each listener will find their own song in the album, because the issues that are addressed in the lyrics are very current and deal with situations that each one of us has faced at least once in our lives. We all feel isolated and misunderstood, while actually, if we only looked closely, we would understand that many of us share common hardship. Luca was really good at telling this situation of incommunicability in the lyrics.
That’s a perfect description!
To get our readers more excited about your upcoming album, how about we play a little game called ‘Which song’. I will give you a scenario and you’d have to pick the song that fits best. Ready?
Yes, sure! Let’s play \m/
Which song on ‘No One Is Innocent’ would you use to show someone who never listened to your music before what it sounds like?
Definitely “The Unexpectable”. I love this song and I think it reflects the purpose of the album
Which song on ‘No One Is Innocent’ would you use to encourage a friend going through hard times?
“Restart/Erase”; keep on going, no matter what!
If all songs on ‘No One Is Innocent’ came to life and became humans, which song would be your best friend?
“Stillness” or “May,10”; I can’t decide between these two songs because I feel very close to both the situations that are described in the lyrics.
Aliens from a planet with more advanced tech invades Earth. Their only weakness is found out to be songs with great guitar solos. Which song on ‘No One Is Innocent’ would you lead the charge against the invaders with?
“Stuck In The Middle” would definitely cause an extermination of aliens!
You are requested to perform at a gig and among the attendants are Ronnie James Dio, Ozzy Osbourne, Freddie Mercury, and Bruce Dickinson. Which song on ‘No One Is Innocent’ would you perform?
“May,10”; I’m sure they would be impressed by its captivating mix of sensuality and brutality
An archeologist called Bencuff Neutron discovers a working CD of ‘No One Is Innocent’ in the year 3020 under the remains of an ancient vehicle. Which song on the album would he be impressed with most?
Maybe “Imperfect”, yes!
Oh, then I might actually be from 3020 😂
Thank you for playing, Valentina.
Your band has two vocalists, yourself and Luca Correnti. What depth does each of you add to the vocals department of the band?
Well, on a technical level each of us has brought their own style to the album. Perhaps Luca, with his growl, represents the reality of the facts that are thrown into your face without if’s and but’s, while I represent the most reflective side, the desperation that follows.
Have you been treated in a sexist way? How would you react to sexism and what advice would you give young women and men around the world who face any kind of discrimination?
Unfortunately, I have experienced some sexism throughout the years, as I was trying to create an alternative metal band. Some musicians didn’t take me seriously simply due to the fact that I am a girl. I believe that women can have the same aggressive appeal men usually adopt for this particular genre. We also feel the need to scream our emotions to the world. As for the second question, I would suggest those people to stop being fucking sexists, homophobes and xenophobes. To the victims who face these kinds of discrimination, I want to tell that true strength lays within yourselves, therefore, there’s no need to depend on others. Nobody should tell you what you HAVE TO do and what you SHOULD be.
That’s a wonderful statement.
What is your favourite music-related memory from when you were growing up?
Well, I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t mention Avril Lavigne, Ahahaha, I really loved her as a child. I then got close to industrial metal thanks to the reverend, Marilyn Manson, and other bands that raised me like Slipknot and Korn.
Oh, Avril Lavigne was something else for our generation!
Thank you for the interview Valentina! Good luck for you and Six Degrees in all your coming projects.
Thank you! It was an honor to be interviewed by you! Hope you’ll enjoy the album \m/

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