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Interview with Audrey Queen (Bullet To The Heart)

Oct 11, 2022

The USA is a cradle to many talented people, and this band from Illinois is no exception. Bullet To The Heart‘s lead singer Audrey Queen agreed to chat with us about music, social issues and food!

Hello Audrey! How’s it going at the moment?
It’s going great, currently working out while answering these questions.
Do you remember who has been your first (or one of the first) musical influences?
My 1st musical influence is a tie between Nickelback and Pearl Jam. I always wanted to play the guitar and sing like Chad Kroger. And I loved the low-end grunge sound vocally in pearl jam.
Who helped you most in your musical journey?
I would say, my mom. She took me to rock Academy when I was young; she saw all of my shows and pushed me to practice and be a better musician.
Has the covid pandemic taught you anything useful?
Yes, that fans are precious, and we will do whatever it takes to keep them, as we missed them during that hard time.
Can you describe your creative process when you write new music?
Usually, I’m presented with a riff or a demo of a song from the guys, and I let the song kind of speak to me to find what I end up writing about. Usually, I have to be in a dark place and find I’m the most creative when I relive trauma to get to the final product
What social issues are you most passionate about?
Definitely mental illness and its correlation with drug addiction and the stigma that comes with it. I feel passionate about this because my uncle, with whom I was very close, overdosed a couple of years ago at the age of 36 he struggled with bipolar and PTSD, and he coped with that through drug use. He lost his battle while receiving help, so I want to be a voice for the voiceless. These are humans/loved ones, too, and we should treat them as such.
Who is the messiest person of Bullet To The Heart?
My bass Player Tom Monroe: he’ll argue because he does clean, but it takes him a while.
Being a woman in the metal industry is certainly not easy. Have you ever been treated with sexism or discrimination?
Consistently, for example, a classic is I get asked whose girlfriend I am in the band instead of them realizing I’m the lead singer. There’s a struggle sometimes to be taken seriously as a musician, and I’m made to feel less than my male counterparts in my music—also, the grouping of Female bands when there’s a clear genre distinction. Also, being hit on by creepy older men never helps.
Let’s play a little game: if you could only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Chocolate, steak, mac and cheese. This is the trifecta of deliciousness.
Audrey, thank you for taking the time to do this interview! Is there anything else you’d like to add to the readers?
Check us out on social media and our LinkTree; we just released the new single titled Black Widow! Thanks for having me!

About the Author

Hi! My name is Benedetta, I’m 29 and I live in Northern Italy. My passion has always been music: I started taking guitar lessons when I was 6. Now I work as a sales representative, but in my free time I interview talented people, I spread the word about my favorite band (MoonSun), and I go to concerts or travel around Europe. I am a huge collector of anything Tolkien-related, autographs, merchandise, and CDs. I am quite an original person and don’t mind being the voice outside of the choir (even though I play in the church’s choir!).

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