Nestled within the atmospheric confines of the Druso, near the picturesque city of Bergamo, Malpaga Winter Night emerged as a beacon of sonic intensity during its recent installment. This indoor metal festival that took place on December 1st transcended the cold winter night, enveloping attendees in a visceral embrace of heavy riffs, thunderous drums, and electrifying performances. With a lineup that boasted an array of metal subgenres, the festival carved its niche as a haven for metal enthusiasts seeking refuge from the chill outside. The photos are by Dario De Marco!
About The Author
Benedetta Baldin
Hi! My name is Benedetta, I’m 29 and I live in Northern Italy. My passion has always been music: I started taking guitar lessons when I was 6. Now I work as a sales representative, but in my free time I interview talented people, I spread the word about my favorite band (MoonSun), and I go to concerts or travel around Europe. I am a huge collector of anything Tolkien-related, autographs, merchandise, and CDs. I am quite an original person and don’t mind being the voice outside of the choir (even though I play in the church’s choir!).