Painted Scars is a Belgian hard rock band set to release their new EP “Kintsugi” this August. We had the pleasure of speaking with vocalist Jassy Blue about the new EP and the unique sound of Painted Scars.


Hello Jassy! I’m happy to talk with you. How are you doing?

Jassy Blue

Hi Reuel. Still recovering from GMM 2024. Swimming through mud and screaming at the top of my lungs for all the awesome bands we saw really took my all. Awesome edition.


Sounds great! You have an exciting few months ahead with your debut EP “Kintsugi” set to release in August and your recent single “Won’t Give Up” already out. How are you feeling about everything happening right now?

Jassy Blue

Well, it’s been quite chaotic these past few weeks. A lot of stuff is happening at the same time so we are really stretched. But with all these awesome people surrounding the band who are so supportive, we still manage to get stuff done. Still, it’s all been so exciting and we can’t wait to share our songs with the world. We’ve had some success with Won’t Give Up by getting it on release radar with Spotify, so we hope we can keep the momentum going.


“Won’t Give Up” is based on a personal experience. How did the emotions you felt during this experience translate into your music and lyrics?

Jassy Blue

The biggest part of this song’s structure was written out by Kevin. I was trying to come up with a melody and lyrics for the song when the chorus gave me a feeling that I linked with not giving up. I wasn’t in the best place mentally at the time (damn you winter!) and this feeling seemed to give me reason to push through. That brought me back to the past when I was very sick due to Cystic Fibrosis. It was then that I learned never to give in, even when things are at their worst. Thinking back to those times, pulled me through mentally by writing the chorus for the song. Building on that, I used my past experiences as an inspiration for the rest of the song.


Did you find it challenging to write about such a personal topic? Why or why not?

Jassy Blue

Not really. It’s something I’ve felt for a long time and so, those feelings were ready to be written down and expressed. It came naturally as if I had finally been given the chance to say something I had bottled up inside me. In the end, we all felt like many people would relate to such a message.


For those who haven’t had a chance to listen to your music yet, what can they expect if they check it out right now?

Jassy Blue

I think we try to create music that gives energy to people. The topics of the songs can be variable, ranging from mental difficulties to simply partying your ass off. We’re not trying to use overly complex metaphors or use advanced chord progressions. We simply want to create music that makes people feel good. For now we have two songs out that I would say are “heavier” songs in our repertoire. Our first stand-alone single and the 1st release from the EP. Freedom is a more traditional hard rock song, that one is coming out June 28 as the 2nd release of the EP.


Brilliant. Who are some of your biggest musical influences?

Jassy Blue

Lzzy Hale from Halestorm is one of my biggest influences. I never thought I would be a “fan” of one specific artist, but she has succeeded. I also love Christina Aguilera and Miley Cyrus. I grew up singing their songs.


Is there any track on “Kintsugi” that you would consider your favourite track or that has a special place in your heart?

Jassy Blue

Won’t Give Up is my favourite track. I love all the tracks, but this one is still special to me because of the message.


What are your thoughts on the representation of women in the music industry as a whole, and specifically within the Metal and Rock genres?

Jassy Blue

I don’t really think about stuff like that. All I know is that as a female vocalist, I’m often associated with symphonic metal or at least that style of vocals. A lot of people aren’t really into that and so they don’t give it a shot. But when they do hear the music, they are often pleasantly surprised.


Thank you for the interview, Jassy. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Jassy Blue

You’re welcome. Yes, we invite everyone to head over to our Spotify page and give us a spin. Enjoy the summer and soak up that sweet vitamin D!

Reuel Way

Being a feminist has been normalized as an irregularity through our patriarchal society, so I'd rather be called a "decent human" than a "feminist man". I breathe Metal and Rock and have a screwed-up sense of humour.