Valkyrie’s Fire, a Symphonic Metal band hailing from Nashville, Tennessee, is getting ready to release their debut EP. With the release of a single accompanied by a stunning music video, they’ve already given fans a thrilling taste of what’s to come – and it’s nothing short of epic. We had the pleasure of speaking with Bettie Floyd, co-vocalist of Valkyrie’s Fire, to delve into the upcoming EP, her musical journey, and her vision on different topics.
Pre-save upcoming EP Ascension
Hi Bettie! It’s great to chat with you. How are you doing?
Bettie Floyd
I am doing very well, I hope you are as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me.
It’s my pleasure! How would you describe Valkyrie’s Fire to our readers who haven’t had the chance to check you out yet?
Bettie Floyd
Oh, Valkyrie’s Fire is a symphonic power metal powerhouse! It is not just a band, it is a passion. I think everyone in this group is super passionate about what they do, and it shows. We have male and female lead vocals which allows us to play with harmony a little more and build upon different ranges. We also have guitars that would just blow your mind! I think a good way to describe our sound is Iron Maiden meets Nightwish, yet we are still able to sound unique with our own twist.
Wonderful description! You have recently released “Warrior of the Night” from your upcoming release. How did you feel about the way your fans reacted to it?
Bettie Floyd
I am extremely humbled by the response. So many warm and beautiful words from friends and strangers. It’s amazing how the world can connect through music. That is why we do what we do. And of course, Warrior of the Night was written as a metaphor for performers and fans who go to see their favorite bands. You have to stick with it and keep going no matter what is thrown at you, just like a warrior. So the fact that people love the song, makes it all the more heartwarming.
Beautiful! “Ascension” will be released next November. This will be your debut record. How excited are you about having a full record out for fans to enjoy?
Bettie Floyd
I am super excited! Of course our local fans already sort of have a taste of what to expect for the EP, but to have our music released for the entire world to hear is something special and I really hope everyone likes what they hear. November is so close as well! Can you believe how fast the years can fly by? We already have some more music brewing up as well, it really just never ends.
It must be so exciting! What message or idea do you hope your fans will take away after listening to ‘Ascension’?
Bettie Floyd
Ascension is an emotional roller coaster! I hope that everyone feels pumped up and ready to take life by the horns, so to speak. I also really just hope people can find joy with listening to Ascension because I feel like it has a little something for everyone. It has great storytelling, aggression, sorrow, and triumph. It’s intense but also has a sort of whimsy to it, so I really hope that someone will feel inspired in some way after listening.

With a new record out, you have a chance to influence people. But which musicians have influenced you personally?
Bettie Floyd
Tarja Turunen has influenced me the most throughout my life. I can only hope to shine a light on someone’s life like she has for me, you know. When I was a young teenager, I would listen to Nightwish every day to help me escape the painful world around me and I joined a choir and saved up to train my voice so that I could sing like her. When she was kicked out of Nightwish, I was mortified!! But the fact that she never gave up and has a thriving solo career makes me love her even more. If you have ever seen her live, you can tell she loves what she does and that’s exactly how I want to be as a performer. I would also say Floor Jansen has been a huge inspiration for me! She can sing anything in any way and that is what made me want to learn all vocal styles. To think that I could influence anyone as they have influenced me is amazing, and almost inconceivable.
Both a legends! What are your thoughts on the representation of women in heavy music today, and what steps do you think can be taken to promote greater inclusivity and support for female musicians?
Bettie Floyd
I love seeing anyone thrive in heavy music, really, but It’s nice to see that more and more women are getting recognized in the metal world. I think women add a whole new element to heavy music. As a woman, I actually feel quite supported in the industry, so far. Don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome to feel confident in your body and want to share that confidence, but I still feel like there is a large push for sexualization of women that isn’t as prevalent for men, in the music industry. I also feel as if female musicians are compared to each other a lot harsher than males. It’s not a competition, we all just love what we do out here and want to support one another. No fights, no comparisons, we are all awesome in our own ways! So maybe we could just simmer down comparisons and sexualization unless that’s part of the brand of the band, you know.

Thank you so much for your time, Bettie! Is there anything you’d like to add before we wrap up this interview?
Bettie Floyd
I would just like to thank you and everyone out there for giving us a chance and listening to something new. Valkyrie’s Fire has a big year ahead of us in 2025, and we absolutely cannot wait to share it with all you. Don’t forget to check out our EP Ascension releasing on November 8th!