First Impression

Delivers an intense and dynamic experience, blending heavy, fast riffs and emotional depth with powerful vocals, intricate instrumentation, and captivating tempo changes.

Similar Sounds

If you’re into any of these artists, this album should be on your radar.

Visual Vibes

The album cover art perfectly reflects the album’s theme through its graphics. The style of the artwork matches the music – intense with a touch of bold simplicity, mirroring the mix of heaviness and melody in the songs. The contrast between the dark background and the red-headed character makes it eye-catching and instantly grabs your attention.

Track on Repeat

The third track – “Freak” – is not only remarkable for its headbanging music and gorgeous guitar solo but also for its powerful anti-harassment theme, featuring fast, beautiful melodies and impactful lyrics.

Stand Out Lyric

I am scum. I am a faggot.
I am a freak. I am a maggot
I am a bitch. I am a riot.
I’m all your fears.
A new tomorrow!

– Track 3: “Freak”

In-depth Notes

Musical Shape

The album offers an exciting mix of heavy, headbanging tracks and melodic moments. Songs like “Freak” stand out for their fast energy and beautiful guitar solos, drawing listeners in with catchy hooks and intense riffs. The driving rhythms in tracks like “Mental Breakdown” and “Razor Blade” create a dynamic sound that showcases the band’s versatility.

Vocal Performance

The vocal performance is impressive, striking a balance between aggression and emotion. In “Drama Queen,” Patricia Pons displays a wide range, capturing the rebellious spirit of the lyrics while also conveying moments of vulnerability. This ability to shift between fierce intensity and heartfelt expression adds depth to the listening experience.

Production Quality

The production quality is excellent, enhancing the album’s raw energy. Each instrument shines through, allowing the fast, beautiful melodies to blend with powerful lyrics. The clear sound of the guitars and drums highlights the band’s attention to detail and creates an immersive atmosphere.

General Theme

Overall, the album is a rebellious anthem that addresses various social issues through powerful lyrics and storytelling. Themes of personal struggle and empowerment are present throughout the tracks.

Final Verdict

Empowering and energetic!

Mood Meter













Perfect For…

Working Out

Working / Studying



Walking in Nature

Will I play it again?

This album is definitely staying in my rotation, and “Freak” is going to be a playlist staple for a long time to come.

Follow the band

Reuel Way

Being a feminist has been normalized as an irregularity through our patriarchal society, so I'd rather be called a "decent human" than a "feminist man". I breathe Metal and Rock and have a screwed-up sense of humour.