As Carmeria release their acoustic EP, we chat with Emma Louise Nagy, the band’s bassist and acoustic guitarist, about their new music, her journey, and more.
Hello Emma! I am very happy to chat with you. How are you doing?
Hey mate! I’m very well thank you, and I hope the same with you.
Thank you! You’ve recently released the acoustic EP “Trinity: Volume I”. How are you feeling about the response it got from the fans?
Oh, we’ve received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from this EP. Considering it’s an acoustic project, far different from our usual sound, it’s amazing to know that listeners love it as much as we do!
Amazing! How was the experience of stepping away from your usual sound to create “Trinity: Volume I”, and are you happy with how it turned out?
It was a relatively easy experience for me as I am also an acoustic artist outside of Carmeria. I perform and write my own acoustic songs so I was stoked on the idea from the start! I think it’s a great way to showcase our songs under a different, more intimate light.
You’re working on your third album. Is there a specific direction you’re taking with this one or is it still too early to share?
We are going in a different direction with the 3rd album, but not too far off from what we’ve produced so far. It is still very early days so I don’t want to give away any spoilers 🤭
Interesting ☺️ How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard Carmeria before?
Symphonic/Orchestral/Goth Metal with Pop elements!
Can you tell us a little about your musical background? What musicians had the most influence on you growing up and inspired you to become an artist yourself?
I started piano when I was 4 years old, then picked up the guitar in high school music class (12 years old) and never looked back! I took to it quite naturally and found I had a good ear for music. I went on to further study Music Performance and Music Production after school, where I picked up the Bass guitar because there were too many guitarists and no Bassists in my class! I gained a lot of experience performing and that’s what I really loved because it put me out of my comfort zone, and I learnt that in performance, you can express yourself and release your emotions with the song. I have been in rock and metal bands on and off over the last 15 years, and today I play at weddings, pubs, and do lots of different fill-in work. I enjoy challenging myself and staying open to different experiences. My influences growing up were Good Charlotte (I was obsessed with the Madden brothers!), Blink-182, The Offspring, Trivium and vocally inspired by Hayley Williams from Paramore. I definitely tried to be just like them!
Who is your favourite bassist?
Honestly, I am a guitarist at heart but I appreciate a funky-riff-slappin bass player so shout out to my mate Scott Piper!
How do you feel about the representation of women in heavy music today, and what do you think can be done to promote more inclusivity and support for female musicians?
I feel that it has improved so much over the past 5-10 years. I see more and more women up on stage, and not just as the lead vocalist but on an instrument. I think the more we see up there, the more women are encouraged to do the same, so I believe we’re on the right path. When I started playing in bands I just loved playing, I never not once thought anything of my gender but in my experience, it has been a problem for others. I’ve had to get past a lot of sexist remarks and judgement on whether or not I’m as good as the next guy. Who cares if I’m not? Can’t we all just enjoy the music for what it is. I know it’s still something that women in heavy music may experience but I hope it doesn’t get the better of them. I encourage women to have a go, practise hard and ROCK their socks off like they wouldn’t believe!
Well said! Thank you for your time, Emma, and for this interview! Is there anything else you’d like to conclude this interview with?
Thank you for having me. Have a great week and keep rockin!