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Alia Tempora’s ‘Dragonfly Effect’ Album Review

Sep 30, 2019

On 22nd of September 2019, Alia Tempora released a new album, entitled Dragonfly Effect. The new release is the second for the Czech band and contains previously released singles Black ‘N’ White and Humanity. FemMetal has listened to the new album and we had the pleasure of writing a review about it!

We also interviewed lead vocalist Markie Morávková prior to the release and talked about the album and other things. You can read the interview by clicking on the unicorn.


It’s like the floodgates of heaven have opened up, and it started raining glitter, while thunder and lightning roared in the back. It’s like Heavy Metal’s parents were out of town and she (Yes, Heavy Metal is a girl) made a party at her place and invited Dance music, Dubstep and Melodic Metal. It’s like… never mind, I’m out of metaphors. Point is, ‘Dragonfly Effect’ is a celebration Metal music, and a one of a kind album. Why? Here are four reasons we love Alia Tempora’s new release!

Thinking Outside the Box

“Our music itself supports this “outside of the box” thinking. It is very dynamic, light spreading and contrasting…”

Markie Morávková when describing Alia Tempora’s new album

As promised by the lead singer herself, the album was indeed outside the box. From the beginning with the song Dragonfly Effect the album opened up with a track that sounds like nothing else before in Metal. A melodic rush squeezed with riffs and electronic sounds under beating drums and sensational vocals from the pink-haired starlet.

It’s not only about the sounds and effects added to songs. The music itself is unconventional in songs such as the previously released Black ‘N’ White and the super-track Crossroads. The lyrics were also very deep and unique especially in tracks like Humanity and Loser Like Me.

There’s no doubt Alia Tempora have found their own sound that would stand alone. There’s a difference between people saying “I feel like listening to a Punk Rock song” and “I feel like listening to The Clash”. There were loads of great Punk Rock bands in the 80s but not all managed to create a stain with their sound. ‘Dragonfly Effect’ has made a huge stain indeed!

Markie Morávková’s Mercury-like Performance

No, I’m not comparing Markie to Freddie Mercury. I’m speaking about the element Mercury (Hg). Mercury, like other liquids, is very well known to take the shape of its container. And in the same manner, Markie managed to fit in every song in the album in a magical way. Aggressive when aggressiveness is needed on tracks like Bark on Me, “bad-ass” on tracks were “bad-ass-ness” (not a real word) is needed like Loser Like Me, and deep and reaching on deep tracks like Humanity. Simply compare her performance on Crossroads and Ready, Hun? and Humanity to see these varying mercury-like performances, fitting into each container’s shape! Now you might be wondering why I used mercury and not any other liquid. It’s actually because mercury is.. well.. metal. 😉


Probably the first song many of the fans jumped to as soon as the album was out. Why? Well it featured voices of 100 fans from all over the globe. But let’s forget that fact and the special feelings it gives for a moment. As a song, Crossroads is one of these songs that come out once per decade. It’s one of these anthems that reach deep inside the mind of the listeners. The music is very brilliant and touching, and it is great the band included a piano version of it because this track’s music deserve the highlight. The lyrics are very encouraging and tingle with every nerve in your body. (scientifically not accurate but please bear with me for the sake of figurative speech here).

The Variety

The album included everything. Upbeat tracks, slower Melodic songs, a ballad, an instrumental. It even included a song in Spanish for heaven’s sake! Sounds of every sort were coming from every place! Heavy riffs, melodies, drums and a great formula for Metal!

Usually here is the part where I talk about things I did not like about the album. So, here’s a meme.

… and another meme.

… and another meme! (Promise it’s the last one)

FemMetal recommends ‘Dragonfly Effect’ album for all Melodic Metal, Alternative Metal, Dance music and Metal fusion fans. (Obviously)


Here are the average of the ratings that were placed by the FemMetal Team.

Music (30%)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐10/10
Lyrics (30%)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐9/10
Production (30%)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐10/10
Cover Art (10%)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐10/10

Follow ‘Alia Tempora’ on social media and visit their website

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