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“Nothing limits us in the creation of what we love the most and that is the music we sing and of what I write” – Interview with Aura Danciulescu of Scarlet Aura

Aug 16, 2021

I’ve always wanted my first interview for FemMetal to be a special one, and a special indeed it was. I had the privilege of interviewing Aura Danciulescu, a very talented woman who created her own world and story through The Book of Scarlet trilogy and helped transfer this world into her band’s music, which the Romanian Power Metal quartet will release the third part of, on the 10th of September, in their upcoming album, ‘Genesis of Time’. Here is what Aura had to tell us about her experience, the upcoming album, and more…

Hello Aura. This would be your third interview with FemMetal in 3 years, and, again, it coincides with Scarlet Aura releasing a new album! First, how does it feel to release 3 albums in 4 years?
It is always a pleasure to be interviewed by you, I love your publications and I’m really happy and proud to be featured on FemMetal. Yes, a new album is coming, Genesis Of Time! This album is really special to us because it closes the amazing The Book Of Scarlet trilogy. Such an adventure!!! To have 3 albums going hand in hand with 3 fantasy volumes that I wrote and still writing is incredibly challenging but also beautiful as I know that our fans and fantasy literature lovers will be happy to experience, a unique concept and I’m really sure that it will get the listener and reader to also a unique feeling. How does it feel to release 3 albums in 4 years? Like we lost one year, hahahaha! Mihai “Myke D” Danciulescu wants to release one album per year so he is going wild with writing and producing the songs, I’m writing the lyrics and in this trilogy case, I write also the books and luckily we have Tatyana Shubina, our manager an record label partner from the Silver City Records to make the merchandising, CDs, vinyl, everything on movement for the release dates so that we can make our fans happy every year. It feels overwhelming sometimes because it’s a lot of work and we record everything at the Silver City Studio with Myke D but in the end, we are more than thankful and happy, in the end, this is what we do, what we live for and from what we make a living. Our bass player Rene Nistor and drummer – Matthias Klaus are always there to record and work on the songs alongside Myke D so it’s a beautiful dream team that we developed along the years and then now goes smoothly on the metal industry road.
The new album would be the third instalment of “The Book of Scarlet” trilogy. For people just reading about this, can you give them a synopsis of the story behind The Book of Scarlet?
Wow, yes, this story came to my mind as I was having dinner with Mihai and a glass of wine. One of our friends that is a journalist, knowing that I’m a writer asked me why don’t I write a Scarlet Aura book and so the idea came, yes I’ll write but not just a book, I’ll write “The Book Of Scarlet“ and it’s gonna be a trilogy, myself being in love with long series in fantasy readings like the Discworld of Terry Pratchett and Mihai “Myke D” Danciulescu said yes, let’s do it and do “Ignition”, the first volume was out really fast hand in hand with the first album from the trilogy, “Hot’n’Heavy”. The second volume will be released at the end of this year and the third one next year although accompanying albums “Stormbreaker” and now “Genesis Of Time” will be available in advance. It’s how it is, I write slower than I sing ;))))) So long story short, “The Book Of Scarlet” is about this character – Scarlet that is created by an angel, a demon and a Phoenix bird, about him saving the world, about many amazing friends along the way and adventures, a fantasy Scarlet Aura world that, alongside the metal albums will make you discover a wonderful journey inside your own self, making you sometimes laugh, sometimes cry and sometimes both in the same time. It’s definitely a must have for all the metal-heads out there, in the end, a concept for the entire family.
Is there any track on “Genesis of Time” that you’re particularly excited to see the reaction of the fans to, once the album is released?
Yes, Saints Need Sinners! It’s really deep and … clearly a crushing song, I can’t wait for you to review it also!
In your last interview with Mirk, you told us you were disappointed you couldn’t tour with “Stormbreaker” because of the pandemic. Now that things are getting slightly better, are there any plans of tours for both albums?
Yes, we will have “The Book Of Scarlet tour” starting this September in Romania and Bulgaria, following the European one with Primal Fear, which will sum up the best songs from the trilogy and also a few from the older albums. It’s gonna be a killer show so make sure you’re in the front row!
Would you ever agree to make The Book of Scarlet a movie? If yes, which actress would be Scarlet?
Wow, I would love to! Making movies is art so whatever is related to art, I’m in! As long as I’m directing it ;)))))))))) When you’ll read the books you’ll see that Scarlet is a he and that later, in Scarlets United, the second volume, a she will make her place into the Scarlet Aura world, you must not miss this part, it is one of the most important ones from the storyline of the trilogy. But to answer to your second question, in the role of Scarlet I think I would feature James Franco and for the “she” role that you’ll discover soon in the book I would feature myself ;))))) my role can’t be replaced ;))))
Oh my, James Franco is one of my favourites! Does writing concept music make you feel less free since your songs should all be about this concept, or does it feel freer because of the fantasy world you’re writing about?
I only know the concept of freedom and live after and with it, whatever goes outside or beyond my freedom, I don’t understand so whatever I do I do with full heart, passion and interest, nothing limits me, nothing limits us in the creation of what we love the most and that is the music we sing and of what I write. All we need is time and health and everything is possible ❤️
I saw your pictures on your Instagram with your baby. Very cute! How would you describe your experience as a mother, and how did Aura the mother influence Aura the musician, and vice versa.
I always fought with the patience asked by others from me and that I rarely had. I always wanted everything now and here. But now the amazing beautiful child, this little girl, this butterfly on her name Sofia made me stood up patiently and that influenced also my life as an artist and band member, towards my career and people around me. I’m being more patient and I live every second deeper and with a better understanding of how precious time is and that life is here and now! Like for example how important this moment is now, answering your interview, a moment that makes me feel so good and that maybe will make some other people smile so I must thank you for this.
Thank you for the interview, Aura! It was a great experience for me. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Yes! We have so many amazing singles released from the upcoming “Genesis of Time” album that you must check on Spotify, great playlists and of course our website where you can find all these links www.scarletaura.com. Also some nice videos like the one for the “In The Line Of Fire” are out there, go wild with sharing them with your friends! Hugs and kisses to you all, also don’t forget to check the tour dates and come to see us!
Will sure do! Thank you. <3

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