Kelly Thans (Pandora’s Key – Netherlands), Nadine Mittmann (Conspiria – Germany), Aliki Katriou (Eight Lives Down – England), Grazy Mesquita (Lasting Maze – Brazil) and Sara Vanderheyden (Cathubodua – Belgium) were all featured in FlowerLeaf‘s re-release of the song, We Will Stand (United), previously included in their debut album. Alongside Vivs Takahashi, FlowerLeaf‘s vocalist, and her band-mates, the 5 guest-ladies appear performing in home studios in different locations around the world.

The song with this massive collaboration sends a message of union while facing the global COVID-19 pandemic that resulted in lockdowns and quarantines around the world. The video for the massive collaboration was released on YouTube on July 10th.

You can follow FlowerLeaf and the participating bands on Instagram using the links below:

Vivs Takahashi @vivstaka 
FlowerLeaf @flowerleafofficial

Kelly Thans @vocallifeofakelly 
Pandora’s Key @pandoraskey

Aliki Katriou @aliki.katriou_vocals 
Eight Lives Down @eightlivesdown_band

Sara Vanderheyden @vdh_sara 
Cathubodua @cathubodua_metal

Grazy Mesquita @grazymesquita 
Lasting Maze @lastingmaze

Conspiria- @conspiria

Mirk Wood

I love good music and write about it sometimes.