If the debut album can be a hit or miss, the second one is the confirmation of the band. And this American band Trope has all the requirements to go big: I chatted with their lead singer Diana about it. You can read the interview below!

Hello Diana! How are you doing?
I’m doing great, thanks for asking! And you?
I’m quite good, thank you! You’ve just finished a triumphant tour with The Pineapple Thief, Symphony X and Haken. How did it feel to be on the road for a while?
After things took a sharp left turn, having the opportunity to get out among such talented acts and playing with some very open-minded people was.. really like a gift. It was the best and makes everyday life feel torturous and a bit dragging. I find being on tour gets me in a heightened space, so the highs and lows are more intense, with more anxiety on the one side and explosive bursts of joy on the other side. There are tons of connections and then some very internal moments. It’s physically, mentally and emotionally challenging and engages every part of me.. and I like living in those extremes rather than lurking in the grey between.
I can’t wait for your second album! Is there anything you can share about its status at the moment?
Thank you! There is, indeed, we are full speed ahead, in that obsessive mode of ‘this has to get done but, of course, done correctly. It’s that balance of allowing the music to dictate but also showing up constantly to ensure that the wheel keeps turning.
If you could choose 3 words to describe Trope to someone who is discovering you, which would you choose?
Emotional descriptors: Rebellious, Mournful, Affirming. Music descriptors: Melodic, Rhythmic, Contrast-full
What would you do differently if you were to start over again from day one?
With Trope or in life? I’m not sure.. because each choice leads me down rabbit holes that yield inspiration to the songs we write, which then validate everything that came before. It’s a very high stake to put on the music.. but it helps me to process stuff like regret.
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to make a career in the music industry?
I welcome advice myself, but I think just being like a dog with a bone that feels like that bone is part of its anatomy, and if they let go of that bone they’ll die, that’s what it feels like for me, and I don’t know if that’s right or good advice, but it just feels that way.
What is your favourite pizza topping(s)?
Veggies!!! Dairy-free pizza, tomato sauce, mushrooms, green peppers, onions, tomatoes.. basil.. hot chilli pepper.. ya :). I just had pizza last night, so this answer is fresh in my mind!!
Do you think it’s harder for a woman to be recognized and appreciated as an artist in the metal music world?
I haven’t yet dealt with issues on that front, I suppose, fortunately. But it’s also hard to say if we’d be getting a higher response rate if I was a male vocalist. We’re in a very niche lane, so I’m hoping that we’ll continue to attract music lovers, as we have been, that really cue into and connect to the music; that’s a great feeling.
Let’s play a little game: If you were a Microsoft Office program, which one would you be?
I want to say Word because I use that program all the time, especially for writing lyrics, but truthfully I’m Excel. Too much noise (math) in mind, too many options and alternatives, all at once. Messy and potentially tasking to figure out, potentially elegant, wide swings!
Thank you very much, Diana, for taking the time to do this interview! Is there anything else you’d like to add to our readers?
Thank you for taking the time to interview me and share our music; I appreciate it very much. I’d like to thank those who are tuning in and supporting us, including yourself! We can’t wait to share album 2 with you and connect on the road xx
Benedetta Baldin

Hi! My name is Benedetta, I’m 29 and I live in Northern Italy. My passion has always been music: I started taking guitar lessons when I was 6. Now I work as a sales representative, but in my free time I interview talented people, I spread the word about my favorite band (MoonSun), and I go to concerts or travel around Europe. I am a huge collector of anything Tolkien-related, autographs, merchandise, and CDs. I am quite an original person and don’t mind being the voice outside of the choir (even though I play in the church’s choir!).