I had the chance to chat with Babi Bueno, vocalist of Brazil’s Symphonic Metal band, AnamA. The Brazilian band has been active in the scene for more than a decade in which they released their self-titled album in 2018. AnamA recently released a re-recorded version of their song “Dark Night” taken from the debut.

Babi Bueno was happy to share her thoughts on AnamA’s music and many other things. Here’s our interview with Babi Bueno!

Hello, Babi. It’s really wonderful to talk with you. How are you doing today?
Hi Femmetal! It’s a great pleasure to talk with you! Thanks for this opportunity! I’m fine!!! 2022 has been a year with a lot of changes, the world, finally, is coming back to “normal”!
That’s great to hear! You have recently released a re-recorded version of “Black Night”, a song that was originally released on your very first album. I think many musicians would love to re-record their first songs as their band matures, but what made you choose this song in particular?
Yeah, recently Lacuna Coil did the same with Commalies, and I love that. Well, in 2021 we celebrate the 10th AnamA’s anniversary and many things changed around this time. Dark Night is one of our favorite songs from the first album and one of our great successes at concerts. Besides that, we saw much potential to do a new and modern version. Actually, it sounds much more dark and symphonic than the original ones. The reception has been good.
Wonderful! How would you describe your sound to someone who hasn’t heard Anama’s music before?
Our songs have been classified as Symphonic Progressive Metal. We didn’t choose that, but I think it’s a good definition. Sometimes it sounds like the oldest Nightwish with a little bit of Opeth. I think Marcela Bovio’s new project, Dark Horse White Horse is a good example of Symphonic Prog Metal.
If you were to pick one song from any of your previous albums and singles to be played on every radio and every station all over the world, which song would you pick and why?
Dogma, absolutely! Our greatest success of all time (until now) and our most viewed music video. And this song represents the redirection of our career, of our sonority. Fortunately, our fans enjoyed it.
In order to get to know you better and from a different point of view, how about playing some imagination game? I will set a scenario in an alternate universe with new rules and see how you’d react to the different situations. Ready?
Always ready!
In a universe where you are made the queen of a country, what would be the first law you’d make?
Wow, how difficult! I don’t know exactly, but something to encourage music lessons for all kids. In my country, this is not common.
Beaitiful! In a universe where humans can choose either to be able to teleport from one place to another or travel back and forth in time, which superpower would you pick?
Certainly, teleport would be my deepest wish. Can you imagine, after a concert, closing my eyes and teleporting to my bed, in a blink of an eye? Amazing
In a universe where you’re the statue of liberty, what object would you be holding instead of a torch?
A glass of wine! Cheers!!!
haha! In a universe where money does not exist, but instead, people pay for things by making other people laugh, how rich would you be considered?
Elon Musk, for sure! Hahahaha That’s a Joke! Or not…
Woah! In a universe where the senses of taste and hearing are mixed up together, what food would you imagine Anama’s music would taste like?
A very traditional Brazilian “feijoada”, a delicious mixture of pork and beans.
In a universe where making magic is real, what would your favourite spell do?
Sleep. Oh, I sometimes suffer from insomnia, so I am a sleepy person. And come on, everyone needs a full night of sleep.
Thank you for playing, Babi! I hope you enjoyed this! Can your fans hope for a new album to be released soon or do you have different plans for now?
We’re working a full length. We don’t know exactly, but maybe in 2023, it will be released.
Wonderful! Have you ever faced any kind of sexism in your professional or personal life? How would you deal with sexist behaviour and what advice would you give young people around the world who face any kind of discrimination?
Unfortunately, yes… Especially in music. We’re a Brazilian symphonic metal band, sadly in my own country, sometimes we have no support for this kind of music. Besides that, I was judged by my curly hair; some producers think that the female body is more important than my talent, than my voice. And, In Latin America, mainly in Brazil, there’s an important and strong symphonic metal scene and we are part of that! But for is very difficult to get into European business.
Thank you for giving us this interview, Babi. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
It’s always a pleasure to talk with you! It’s an open door for small bands, like us, to travel around the world. Thanks!!!!
Mirk Wood

I love good music and write about it sometimes.