Italian Alternative Metal band, Break Me Down, released their first single with their new vocalist, Veronica Driver, about a month ago, along with a music video. The song holding the title “See Me Fall”, introduced Break Me Down‘s fans to the new vocalist, whom we have interviewed lately. We hope you enjoy this exicting interview with Veronica Driven!

Hello, Veronica. I’m really happy to chat with you. How are you doing today?
Hi, very much excited thank you, the release date of our new single is finally approaching! We have been working really hard on it in the past few months, I can’t wait for you to listen to it!
That’s great to hear! Break Me Down released a new single, “See Me Fall”, last month. This is the first single with you as the vocalist of the band. How would you describe your first musical experience with your new band?
I was looking forward to giving my contribution to the band, but more importantly to introducing myself to the fans of Break Me Down. Joining a band that has already a fan base and, above all, replacing the voice is not easy at all. Each singer has a specific imprint, personality, and, above all, a different voice and it is kinda stressful to reinterpret songs written by others. I was a bit afraid when I met the “Breakers” (the nickname we use for our followers) for the very first time because I didn’t know if I would have been accepted or not. I was pleasantly surprised to see how well everyone treated me!.
How did you feel about the reception the song got from your fans and friends?
I was overexcited the first time I heard the new tracks, mixed and mastered, and I hoped to be able to convey the same emotions I felt to the listeners. And so it was. I succeeded, indeed WE succeeded. The day “See Me Fall” was released, I didn’t know how people would react to this almost radical change. Reading all the comments, and receiving messages and calls with tons of positive feedback confirmed that this change was perhaps the right turning point for BMD!
That sounds great! To get to know you better and have some fun, how about we play a nerdy game? I will set up some alternative universes and give you a scenario and a question about it. Are you ready?
I was born ready… GO!
In a universe where you find yourself the queen of a kingdom, what would be the first legislation you’d make?
Everyone should have a cat, cats will be venerated as Gods and everyone would live wild and free with them in harmony.
In a universe where you can choose a superpower to possess, would you rather have the ability to teleport from one place to another, or the ability to read minds?
I prefer to discover people in time through a good chat. So I choose teleportation. For example, right now I would like to be by the sea, admiring a sunset while listening to a song by Chelsea Wolfe (which I recommend btw)
In a universe where you’re the statue of liberty, what object would you be holding instead of a torch?
A slice of pizza. Not because I’m deeply patriotic, but because pizza must also be revered for its goodness and beauty. It is a form of art in its shape and colours, not to mention the taste, or we should open an entire chapter about it!
Hell yeah! How rich would you be considered in a universe where you pay for things you purchase by telling jokes?
I would be super poor as I have always been bad at telling them haha!
In a universe where the sense of taste and sense of hearing got somehow mixed up in the human body, what food would you imagine Break Me Down’s music would taste like?
I would say, the same slice of pizza the Liberty Statue is holding plus mushrooms!
In a universe where a zombie apocalypse happened, would you most likely be hiding in a safe house, outside fighting the zombies, or already turned into a zombie?
I’m too reckless to stay locked in a house waiting for the apocalypse to end. I would be the one on the front line fighting zombies. Also because I have trained for years with zombie-killing video games… So what do I have at my disposal, a club or a machete?
Hopefully something with more ranged firepower 🤣 Thank you for playing along, Veronica! Hope you enjoyed this! After this new single, can we expect any bigger release from Break Me Down, like an album or more singles?
There will be two other unreleased songs and also two covers with some particular collaborations. The two unpublished pieces will be bombs of energy and from the covers expect the unexpected, we are used to revolutionising and making some other artists’ track our own in our taste and style. If you want the proof go and have a look at our Spotify profile and what we have done with Björk’s “Army of Me”!
Brilliant. Have you ever faced any kind of sexism in your professional or personal life? How would you deal with sexist behaviour and what advice would you give young people around the world who face any kind of discrimination?
Unfortunately, yes. Being a woman in the world of music sometimes leads you to live unpleasant situations, where you think “you are a woman so you are weak” or “you are a woman, therefore, to get what you want I ask you for favours in return”. It doesn’t work like this … Several times I have demonstrated and will continue to do so, that I do not need “favours” to reach my goal or to compromise. I reach my dream with my skills, determination, and effort. With some doors in my face, I prefer to overcome obstacles and become strong than having the easier way without perhaps deserving it or not being ready yet.
Thank you for sharing your experience and thank you for the interview, Veronica. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Thank you for this interview, you can find our material on all platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, Amazon, Tidal, and TikTok. Thank you all so much again!

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Mirk Wood

I love good music and write about it sometimes.