Illumishade Put the icing on the cake (Pun intended) for frozen II’s song ‘Into the Unknown’Mirk Wood|Nov 9, 2020
Snow White Blood on the verge of releasing their new album ‘Hope Springs Eternal’Mirk Wood|Nov 5, 2020
Watch this wonderful one take cover of Within Temptation’s ‘Forgiven’ by Shirley Tracanna of WishmastersMirk Wood|Oct 13, 2020
Epica announces title and cover art for upcoming eighth album and release first single of itMirk Wood|Oct 13, 2020
Vicky Psarakis opens Halloween season with a brilliant cover of Devin Townsend’s ‘Vampira’Mirk Wood|Oct 4, 2020
Watch this wonderful drum cover by Elisa Fortunato for SOAD’s masterpiece ‘Chop Suey!’Mirk Wood|Sep 28, 2020
Watch this awesome Djent cover of Joji’s ‘Slow Dancing in the Dark’ by Kelsey LuoMirk Wood|Sep 25, 2020
Vesssna releases music video for title song from their debut album ‘Почти Святая’Mirk Wood|Aug 18, 2020
Eight Lives Down release a lyric video for ‘Opening Shots’ As Upcoming album becomes available for pre-orderMirk Wood|Aug 17, 2020
Mikaela releases her first single ‘Bring Me Blood’ from her upcoming debut albumMirk Wood|Jul 31, 2020
Slave to Sirens guitarists feature in Baalbeck’s live-streamed ‘SOUND OF RESILIENCE’ concertMirk Wood|Jul 8, 2020
The Spider Accomplice release new single ‘Crawl’ – Interview with VK Lynne & single ReviewMirk Wood|Jul 4, 2020
New Jersey rockers, Reality Suite releases ‘Live at Alpha Wave Studios’ Live AlbumMirk Wood|May 26, 2020
‘Snow White Blood’ launch crowdfunding campaign in hopes to release album in 2020Betty Triangle|Dec 8, 2019